Corey got the oppurtunity to sing on KUSI on Sunday morning...she was asked by vocal coach, LaTonya Lockett, to come and sing as an example of someone who has taken her vocal camps before. The video has some talking in let it load and then fast foward to the part where Corey is singing, if you don't want to listen to the whole thing. She doesn't get to sing the whole song, they cut her off right before the chorus. BUMMER!! She sounds great and she had a great time being on TV!!! We are SO proud of you Corey!!
Corey starts singing at about 2:18 on the time line.
Here is the link:
Corey brought tears to my eyes. It is hard to believe that I use to babysit that very talented girl way back then. She sounds beautiful! She must make every one so very proud.
Thanks for sharing that Hadley! I can't believe how grown up she is. She is sooooo talanted!!!
I'm coming home on Labor Day weekend to see my sister's baby, hopefully we can get together so I can see the kids and meet Michael. Miss you...
Thank you for sharing! She is beautiful and that was so good. I seriously can't believe how much she looks like you, and how I remember you in High School..... wow!
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