New added news....Daniel was selected for the 12 year old
All-Star Team!!
Congratualations, Daniel.
Daniel and his teacher, Mrs. Webster
Pat, Corey, Me, Daniel and Aubrey
Daniel and his friend Declan
Daniel graduated from 6th grade on Wednesday from Allen Elementary School. It is hard to believe that he is 12 years old and is going to be in 7th grade next year!! Daniel had a fabulous teacher this year. She really helped Daniel to gain a love for reading. He has a book with him where ever he goes these days...I LOVE that!! He will really miss his teacher, I think she has been his favorite teacher of all time( in all of his 12 whole years!!! He had a great year and even received one of the Presidential Awards for Academic Excellence!! He worked really hard and it showed!!
On Saturday, Daniel was in his LAST Little League baseball game. AND it happened to also be the championship game! He played for the A's and our record was 21 wins 4 losses. We had the best record in the League. I must unforunately tell you that we lost the championship game 6-5... OH THE HEARTBREAK!! Although we lost to the Astros for the Championship, we still had the best season record. Daniel hit 10 homeruns and his average was about 650. What a great 12 year old year! I am very happy for him and am also very sad that he is no longer in Little League. We have been in that Little League for the last 12 years since Patrick was 5!!! We won't be there for 5 years until Michael is old enough to play. Daniel will play Pony next year, which will be a lot of fun!! Pat was the Manager for Daniel's team and I know Pat is going to miss being in Little League with Daniel. They have had a BLAST together!!
Daniel with his 1st Place trophy.
Pat, Coach John Flippen, Daniel, and Coach Flippen's 2 twin boys, Blake and Parker. We have known the Flippen's for years , but didn't know them very well. Daniel will be going to Middle School next year with Blake and Parker and the 3 of them have beocme best friends!! Pat and John had such a great time coaching together!! John, MaryLou and the boys have become our life long friends!!
Pat and Daniel Team photo!! Go A's!
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