Monday, November 30, 2009

Frank's Birthday and cute Michael...

Tonight was Frank's birthday (Pat's dad). We had Pats brother Mike and his family and Pats sister Helen and her family (including her daughter-in-law and their 2 kids) over to our house to celebrate Frank's birthday. I really love my father-in-law!! He is so giving and loving! He has helped Pat and I many times over the years. His whole life is his grandchildren and his children. He would do anything for them. He has been a wonderful blessing to our family and I feel very fortunate to have a father-in-law like him. Love you Frank and Happy Birthday!

There are a few cute pictures of Michael that I added to this post. The one where he is wearing the glasses is so darn cute!! That was taken at Franks birthday party tonight. He was wearing his Uncle Mike's glasses (He was named after Mike, Pat's brother). Babies are soooo darling when they are sleeping and they are even more darling when they fall asleep in a funny position!! So these are a couple pictures of cute ways that Micahel has fallen asleep.

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