I am sooo tired tonight!! I had the vasity football team dinner at our home tonight!! There were about 53 football players, 5 coaches and a few water girls. I made beef stroganoff, salad, rolls and 3 cakes. It was a lot of work, but Patrick said the boys really enjoyed the dinner, so that makes it all worth it!!
Corey, Emily, Hannah Pettijohn and Aubrey were such HUGE helpers for me today!! I would NOT have gotten everything done if they had not helped me. They washed and broke 16 heads of romaine lettuce, cut up carrots, broccoli, and cucmbers!! They loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, threw away trash....they just did anything I asked them to do!!! Corey helped make and completely decorated all 3 big cakes. She made footballs on them out of blue and yellow sprinkles!! And also put BVHS. They were sooooo cute!!
I am truly thankful for the wonderful helpers they were to me. They did so much and with a happy attitude!! They also helped me serve the food to all of the players. Although, I think for them, serving the cute players was the EASY part!!
I am glad it all worked out...I was BEYOND stressing that I wouldn't have enough food for them!! But, I ended up having enough and even a little salad and stroganoff left. It was fun to have them all here. It makes me feel good to know that they all left with full happy tummies!! Now they need to beat RBV tomorrow!! What polite and gracious football boys we have!! They all said thank you and many asked what they could do to help...they all ate outside and they were sooo quiet!! The neighbors wouldn't have even known that they were there except for the cars on our street!!
I love Patrick so much. I really hope he continues to heal from his surgery so that he can start playing quarterback!! He is ready to start playing!! I get so much joy from watching my children do the things that they love!! I am just surprised that I enjoy the sports side as much as I do!! It is a BLAST!!!