Here are some reasons that I love Pat:
1. He tells me he loves me EVERY day!! 4 or 5 times even!!
2. He can really make me laugh...he has a great sense of humor!!
3. He is very handsome!
4. He loves basball AND show choir!!
5. His family is always at the CENTER of his decisions.
6. He loves his children unconditionally.
7. He is not afraid to admit he is wrong.
8. He likes chick flicks!!
9. He is not afraid to cry.
10. He is very loving.
11. He is one of the hardest workers I know!
12. He is SUPER sexy!!
13. He loves Hawaii!!
14. He is kind and friendly to EVERYONE!!
15. He goes on walks with me.
16. He has a testimony.
17. He loves being a dad!
18. He is honest and faithful.
19. He tells me I'm beautiful...and not "you're cute!" (inside joke)
20. His favorite date is dinner and a movie...just like me!
Happy Anniversary. I love you with all my heart and know we have wonderful things ahead of us in the next 20 years. Thank you for all you do for our family and for loving us soooo much!! You make me happy!!
Love, Hadley