Friday, July 10, 2009

Julia can't wait for the tooth fairy!!

Julia lost her 2nd bottom tooth today!! It has been loose for a couple of weeks. This morning it was loose enough to pull, so she asked me to pull it out. She put it in a zip lock bag (I don't have one of those cute tooth fairy pillows) and has already put it under her pillow. At about 11:00 am she tells me she wishes it were dark outside so she could go to bed...I am thinking why would you want to go to bed now??? She never WANTS to go to bed...I was a little slow, so she said, "Mom, so the tooth fairy can come see me!" Get with it what she should have said. After Julia had lost her first tooth Pat said to me, "Why is it that little kids look so darn cute when they loose a tooth but adults look soooo bad?!" hahaha...SOOO true!! Here's a couple pics of the 2-toothless girl!

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