Thursday, September 25, 2008

Moving...what a job!!!

I have been so flaky lately about posting! Between feeling pretty awful and doing a HUGE garage sale and packing my house I have been a little busy! We are moving to our new house in 6 days! HOLY COW!!! We are excited and the kids are soooo thrilled to each get their own room! (Well, except Aubrey and Julia...the trouble with being the youngest of 7, I suppose!) Aubrey and Julia will be sharing a room as they do now. My mom is coming this Sunday to help with the final two days of packing (kitchen!) and then help me get things settled in the new house! I don't know what I would do without such a wonderful mother!! She loves to organize and there will be plenty of that in finding new places to put everything! Thanks, Mom!!!

We did a garage sale the last 2 weekends and it was pretty successful. We ended up selling about $1400.00 in all our junk that we have collected for 11 years! We still have a lot left so we are donating it the the high school and elementary school for the rummage sales that they are having. The same junk will look like new junk in a different location, right? Anyway the money has been put to much needed use!! It was hard work but worth it.

I will post pictures next week of the move and the house. If I survive it all!!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...


I'm sure this is so stressful. Thank goodness for your mom. She is the best. We've been thinking about you alot, wondering how everything was going with the move and pregnancy. Thanks for posting! Good luck this upcoming week!