Friday, August 15, 2008

YES, it's true.....Schneemann child #7 is on the way!!!

Well, yes, it's true!! Child #7 is on the way! I am due March, 28, 2009. Here is the story: I woke up on a Tuesday morning about 3 weeks ago and realized that I still had not started my period I ALWAYS start on a Sunday night every 28 days (sorry if that is too much information for some of you!). So, given that it was a Tuesday I started to be a little concerned. I was thinking "There has got to be a reason for this!!" I was thinking maybe even pre-menopause (ok, I know 40 is a little early). But surely there was an explanation because it couldn't be that I was pregnant!

So, I called my sister telling her what I was thinking and told her I was on my way to Rite-Aid to buy a pregnancy test. I told her that if I was pregnant that Heavenly Father must have decided that since I was being stubborn he would have to intervene, because that would be the only way that I could be pregnant! So, I went home and took the test and of course that little blue line was there in all of about 10 seconds!! So, I told the kids I would be right back and I went out to the car and cried! I was shocked!! I called my sister and she said, "Hadley, what did you just say to me while you were walking in Rite-Aid?" So, I gathered myself together...(a HUGE thanks to my sister, what would I do without you Shelly!)...stopped crying and thought... ok, I can do this! I may be 41 when this baby is born, but I can do this.

We think that we are in charge of our lives sometimes, but then humility brings us back and we realize that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us and He is in charge. So, I have faith that He will help me. I'm trying to do all that I can do to help myself too!. Taking my vitamins, walking, and eating healthy. I do worry about my health toward the end of my pregnancy! I had pre-eclampsia with Aubrey and Julia and would really like to not have it again. So, I hope that doing all of these things will help.

Corey was in Hawaii on her senior trip at the time, so we called her and put her on speaker and told all of the kids! They all started screaming and yelling with excitement. Corey wanted to talk to Julia, so I gave Julia the phone and I heard Julia say, "Oh my gosh, I'm totally freaking out, I am so excited!!" We can always count on Julia to come up with a great one-liner!! My kids could not be more excited to have another brother or sister (the majority vote is for a boy) and Pat said he is as excited as he was when we found out we were expecting Corey! What a wonderful husband I have (Not that he wasn't in on the whole making of the baby!!) . Some husbands would be completely overwhelmed ...not Pat!!

I will keep you informed as we go and let you know how mom and baby are doing. I appreciate the support that many of you have given us already!! We are truly blessed in so many ways!


Mel said... are KILLING me!!! But huge congrats, Schmad. Keep us posted :) xoxo, Melis, Gav and kids

Nanette said...

congrats! I've been trying to decide if a 6th is in our future... Fred wants to be done but says whatever I decide is fine.

Thanks for looking at my blog, it makes me feel loved!!

Dawn said...

OK, so I'm a little behind the times, but I hadn't had the chance to read your blog for awhile... I had wondered why you weren't feeling well, but NOW I KNOW!!! Holy heck, batman... and I thought I was surprised when Wendy told me she was having #3.... (He is the cutest little butter bean!!!) Congrats to the WHOLE family!!!